Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

A half a life-time ago there was BJ (16 years to be exact)and there was mewhich (the day before Valentine's Day our Junior year of high school).We went to dances together. We did homework together. We went on family vacations together. I loved him all the way back then--16 long years ago.And I saw him off on his mission to Cleveland, Ohio for 2 years. When he got back even a better BJ and hopefully I a better Karina----I married him.Now, 16 years later we have 2 boysand 2 girls.
And it's incredible to look back on half of my life and know that BJ was in it and I'm better because of it!

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

The Bollwitts said...

Karina, you do such great job with you blog. I still view mine as a chore. It's all in the attitude. I just need to be inspired more by reading yours.